When a young woman’s lover mysteriously disappears, she searches for him through her own emotional unraveling, stumbling upon a web of secrecy, violence and revenge that go to the heart of her country’s state of political turmoil.


The University of Legon, 1970’s Ghana. Akuba, a talented journalism student from a well-known family is immersed in her own sumptuous love story with Martin, young, gorgeous, and working class. Together, with her charismatic best friend Agnes, they frequent “Afternoon Jumps” – iconic day parties where young Ghanaians dress, vibe and dance the best of hi-life music. When Martin disappears before her eyes, Akuba discovers that even her most intimate world is not safe from the charged political atmosphere of Ghana’s hopeful independence dream falling apart. Akuba must find peace with her family, find her mission, find the truth about her friendship with Agnes, and above all, find Martin. But is he who she thought he was?


Akuba Mills: Akuba is the daughter of the former speech writer to Kwame Nkrumah – Ghana’s first president who has recently died in exile. Up until now this aspiring journalist has lived a pretty cushy life – well to do family, vivacious best friend, a brimming romance and indulging in weekly Jumps – outdoor parties for the young and vibrant.

Agnes Kouly: Agnes is Akuba’s closest friend. A vibrant, confident personality with the physicality to match.She loves her friend, even admires her life but she has a clear motivation. A Togolese national with humble beginnings, she’s come to Ghana to complete her higher education and set herself on the road to take care of her family back home and succeed–by all means necessary.

Martin Nkansah: Unlike Akuba and similar to Agnes, Martin is hovering between survival and failure. A local mechanic in town, he’s really hit it big by dating a woman of Akuba’s social standing. Despite their starkly different backgrounds the three of them are like peas in a pod. He loves Akuba, admires Agnes’ drive and wants to dig himself out of his circumstances. What he must do to achieve that might be beyond his comfort zone.

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